Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Guilty Confession

So, I have a guilt-ridden confession to make. My son is now 13 months old and I have filled maybe 3 pages in his Baby Book. Agh! This is something I think about almost every day. I think, I really need to get out the Baby Book and write stuff down. And then, nothing. I do have a small stack of random sticky notes and scraps of paper with small notes about things the Peanut has done, but it is rather pathetic. MUST GET THIS DONE! I think that part of my problem (aside from the fact that I am lazy) is that I have horrible penmanship! I mean, it is awful. I also console myself with the thought that since the Peanut is a boy, the odds of him actually wanting to read his Baby Book one day and/or caring that there actually is one, are slim.

Monday, March 4, 2013

On my mind...

So, it looks like my little Peanut has a milk allergy. I am pretty upset about this. I know, I know. In the grand scheme of things this is nothing. Many, many parents out there are dealing with issues that I cannot even begin to imagine. I know that I really have nothing to be upset about or complain about. I DO know this. But, full disclosure, after our doctor's appointment last week, when the doctor confirmed what I had suspected, I sat in the car and cried. I am blaming it on the pregnancy hormones. But, I am sad. Sad that my son will be "that kid" in his preschool class. The one that has to have the special snack. Sad that when he gets offered a free cookie at Publix we will have to say no, and not just because I don't want him having any sugar. Sad that I now have to have an epi-pen with me at all times, just in case. Again, these are minor inconveniences, and I know that to be true. But, this mommy is still upset.

Thursday, February 28, 2013


I saw this post the other day on Um, Can You Not? and I could completely relate. I have not felt like myself for awhile (i.e., ever since I got pregnant with the Peanut) and maybe I never will again. And I guess that is ok. A good friend of mine, with three children, the youngest of which is three, recently told me that it was not until her youngest turned three that she was finally beginning to feel like herself again. I love being a mom, but I am excited for the day when I do see a glimmer of the old me... 

“So I was hanging out the other day with a friend who has a newborn. A freaking gorgeous newborn boy, to be exact.
He is her first baby. She has recently become a mother.
You know, when we hear those words we hear them like it’s no big deal – “become a mother,” like you might “become a doctor” or “become a pet owner.” As if it’s just this thing that happens, without anything else happening – it’s just this exciting addition to one’s life. You add this new thing and go about your business.
Like a new-home owner, or a resident of a new town.
“A mother.”
But this particular transition comes with a cost. A BIG ONE, yet nobody really talks about it.
And if you do talk about it, you have “postpartum depression.”
I have an idea: let’s talk about it, right here and right now, and call it nothing other than a human, adult reaction to a giant shift in identity, a presence of mind recognizing the end of an entire chapter of life, a heart mourning the woman that once was, and a soul shaking under the weight of a new giant world. 
I’ve talked about it a little before, and in my case I actually DID have postpartum depression, and obviously I’m not trying to say that having these feelings does not indicate PPD (um DUH). What I’m saying is that it seems to me that every woman who becomes a mother, no matter how much she loves her kid or wants to be a mom, will most likely, at some point, mourn the loss of her previous identity.
And it will hurt.
You’re sitting in the house a few weeks after your perfect baby is born. Everybody has gone home. The help is gone. Your husband (or wife) is back at work.
Your belly is still sagging. Your boobs are exploding. You’re bleeding still, maybe, but you’re definitely leaking milk. There are big pools of it on your bed and couch and everywhere. You don’t really sleep, but rather fade in and out of a half-sleep, alongside your baby, checking him every hour, acutely aware of his breath, as if it were a freight train roaring through the room: do I hear it? Yes, I hear it.
His temperature, his blanket. He stirs and you’re there, boom. Awake. You are infinitely connected. You seem to be melting into this tiny body. He wakes and you stare into his eyes, struck and dumbfounded at his beauty. You coo at him and notice the way he moves his mouth, as if he wants to speak. What will he say?
Someday he will speak. And you know you know him better than everybody else, and always will, and you know when he’s sleeping you’re there when nobody else is there, and you’re watching him breathe so you can breathe and watching him sleep to drift into your own.
And you’re falling into a love you’ve never known. It’s like quicksand; the more you struggle the deeper you fall. Only you’re not struggling, because it’s a gorgeous catastrophe, and there’s nowhere else to go.
But you watch people leave, too. You watch your husband go to work. You see friends come and go, bright and capable with energy and direction, as if the world is still going on outside, out there.
And you’re isolated and stuck.
As you watch them there are moments, moments when you remember when you used to run around and visit people and live your life and work and be alone. You remember when your body was just your own and you were thinner and felt contained and like the owner of your boobs and vagina and life. You remember having a couple shots of tequila or maybe a cigarette with some friends, and you did it like it was nothing, never knowing it was somebody who was going to stand like an old friend some day, a thousand miles away.
You were twenty, twenty-three, thirty, thirty-five. You were free and young and somebody else.
We were free and young and somebody else.
But now, we’re mothers.
At some point the reality will hit us: We are never alone again, no matter where we are, and we are the only ones in the world who have become this person toward this child.
Yeah, that’s right. I said it. NOT EVEN THE DAD.
It’s hard to put into words, but something becomes very apparent when a baby enters a relationship: there is something different between my relationship with this baby, and everybody else in the world.
I am the only one who is The Mother to this child twenty-four hours a day, and will be for therest of my life.
I’m not trying to speak for everybody. Obviously. I’m speaking for myself, and for my friends, who I’ve seen living the same beautiful catastrophe.
My husband always goes back to work relatively soon after the baby is born. So his life, though obviously irrevocably changed, goes on in more or less the same way it was before. My husband’s sleep patterns haven’t changed. My husband’s body isn’t suddenly owned by a 9-pound nursing machine. My husband’s vagina isn’t, well, let’s change the subject. My husband doesn’t have stretch marks. My husband didn’t give birth.  
My husband doesn’t spend hours eye-locked with the newborn, cooing and talking with infinite fascination with a ball of chub. My husband doesn’t pick at the baby’s head and eyes and ears like an attentive monkey. 
My husband didn’t become a mother, but I did.
And there are moments when I know it. There are moments when I look at that baby and myself and feel my body that isn’t my body and wonder if maybe I didn’t make the biggest mistake of my life, because what have I given up? What have I done? Was I ready?
Why didn’t I appreciate my life more, when it was mine? What if I want to leave one day?
I’ll never be able to leave one day, ever.
I’ve been the same woman my whole life. What about her? Where is she? Is she just dead?
Yes, she is just dead.
Does that seem harsh? Well, it is. So is motherhood.
Perhaps we can soften this whole thing by saying our identities are “transformed,” or we are “forever changed,” but the fact of the matter is that the woman you once were is gone, and she will never come back.
You can pretend she’s not dead. You can even leave your family and act like a kid again and not a mother. But you will not be free, and you will die under the weight of your lies, because you know you’re something else, and there’s a little girl out there who misses her mama, and has replaced her with a box full of notes and cards and memories and yearning.
I’m speaking from experience.
I will never live a single day as an individual. Always, somewhere, my heart will be beating for that child. Always, somewhere, though I may not even know it, my mind has wrapped itself around her, wondering how she is, seeing a shirt or dog or book, “She would love that.” I miss her.
One thousand miles away, but tied.

And so she’s gone, that woman. Old friend who partied with you and spent hours absorbed in herself, her work. She’s gone, that girl that lived for herself, and maybe you for a moment, but always, in the end, for herself.

And yet, I’m still here. This is still me. I am untouched, unscathed. So maybe I have not died?

If I died, how am I here, nursing and changing and mothering this baby? Who’s doing this work now?

And who is she?
I don’t know her yet, but I will. I’ll know the woman who wraps her baby against her chest and storms the world. I’ll know the woman who goes back to work with one foot and her heart at home, always. I’ll meet the woman who races to preschool to get there on time and holds little hands and chases kids in restaurants.
I’ll meet the woman who disciplines. I’ll meet the woman who yells. I’ll meet the woman who works to be better, who holds a child as it grows and grows and grows and I’ll meet the woman who does it a couple more times, until she’s the one sitting by a friend and a newborn, telling her it’s alright, talking about death, and rebirth.
Thinking my god, I guess I’ve known her all along.”
This is for Selena and Renee, and all of the rest of the new moms trying to figure out how to live again.
This is painstakingly accurate.
Thank you, Chelsea, for sending it my way.    
via um, can you not? 

I cannot believe my little boy is one!

Me and the peanut on his first birthday. One of the few photos I have actually made it into in the last 12 months.  I really need to work on this.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Tuesday Things {that I am currently loving}

First, let me confess that I may spend the entirety of this pregnancy in Lululemon. Pathetic? Yes. And I agree. But, 4 days of the week I go to the gym in the morning and on those days I am too gross lazy to change. I justify this by telling myself that by staying in my gym clothes, I can go for a walk with the Peanut and I am already in the proper attire. (Ha! Such grand plans. I think I have done this on maybe 3 occasions in the past 3 months.) 

Anyway, I am currently loving these shirts from Lululemon which, are on sale* now! Pick one up while you can. (*All Lululemon sale items are Final Sale.)

You can find these here: Devotion Short Sleeve

Second, Natalie from Designer Bags and Dirty Diapers recently turned me on to this Revlon lip stick. She said she loved it and I was in the market for something new, so I gave it a try. I am a big fan. It is a cross between a lip balm and a lip stick. Definitely more moisturizing than a regular lip stick but much more color than any lip balm I have ever tried. Plus, a tube costs less than $7.  

Third, I am loving my Gena Knox Southern My Way Cookbook. I have actually had this cookbook for awhile. When I first got it, I made a few things from it and then it went back up on the shelf and I forgot about it. (And, lets be honest, first trimester morning sickness set in and I was not doing much of anything in the kitchen except opening take out boxes for my husband to eat from.) Well, now that I am safely in my second trimester and the morning sickness is (thankfully) gone, I have stepped up my efforts in the kitchen, and Gena Knox has reappeared. Tonight I made the Macaroni and Cheese with Caramelized Onions and the Roasted Okra. Both were delicious. Honestly, everything I have made from this cookbook has been a big hit and I love that none of the recipes are too time intensive or call for crazy ingredients. There is also a Gena Knox website which features several additional recipes, some of which are not in her cookbooks (she has a second cookbook, Gourmet Made Simple, which I also own, but I don't love it as much as Southern My Way.) 


Jennifer Aniston Oscars 2013
I don't know about you, but this dress (among others) was a big disappointment. As Kelly Osbourne said, "We expect more."

Monday, February 25, 2013

Sad, but true...

So, we got a new dishwasher today and it is sad how excited I am about this. Our old one had worked great fine up until a few months ago when, suddenly, everything I put into it was no longer getting clean. After months of online research (very depressing research I might add, as apparently no one dishwasher is fabulous in all aspects) we finally settled on one and it was installed today. Hallelujah! Now, we will see how well it works...

In other news, I picked up one of these (very boring) cushioned kitchen mats at Target (my happy place) over the weekend. (I bought this in black but I cannot find it online.)

Find Target Mat here

It is sad how much I love it in the kitchen (especially given how absolutely boring it looks). It really makes a big difference when standing at the sink. I am sure this is just another piece of evidence as to how old I am getting. 

I am both dreading and excited about my 6am spin class tomorrow. I hate getting up at 5:30am, but after class is over, for at least a couple of hours, I typically feel great. 

Here goes nothing...

Well, today is the day. I am taking the pluge and...starting a blog. This is something I have been toying with for awhile now and I have finally decided, that yes, I am going to do it. Why now? And, why me? Well, the main reason is something I read over a year ago when I was pregnant with my first child. Somewhere (who knows where at this point, so sorry for not giving a reference) I read something about the satisfaction level of stay at home moms (of which I am one). There was a snippet in the article which said that stay at home moms tended to be happier if they wrote or had an outlet to express (i.e. blogged about) their experience. I will let you know how this works out. I know this blog won't be perfect. Heck, it probably won't be much good at all. But, if it makes me a better wife and mom, I'll take it!