Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Guilty Confession

So, I have a guilt-ridden confession to make. My son is now 13 months old and I have filled maybe 3 pages in his Baby Book. Agh! This is something I think about almost every day. I think, I really need to get out the Baby Book and write stuff down. And then, nothing. I do have a small stack of random sticky notes and scraps of paper with small notes about things the Peanut has done, but it is rather pathetic. MUST GET THIS DONE! I think that part of my problem (aside from the fact that I am lazy) is that I have horrible penmanship! I mean, it is awful. I also console myself with the thought that since the Peanut is a boy, the odds of him actually wanting to read his Baby Book one day and/or caring that there actually is one, are slim.

Monday, March 4, 2013

On my mind...

So, it looks like my little Peanut has a milk allergy. I am pretty upset about this. I know, I know. In the grand scheme of things this is nothing. Many, many parents out there are dealing with issues that I cannot even begin to imagine. I know that I really have nothing to be upset about or complain about. I DO know this. But, full disclosure, after our doctor's appointment last week, when the doctor confirmed what I had suspected, I sat in the car and cried. I am blaming it on the pregnancy hormones. But, I am sad. Sad that my son will be "that kid" in his preschool class. The one that has to have the special snack. Sad that when he gets offered a free cookie at Publix we will have to say no, and not just because I don't want him having any sugar. Sad that I now have to have an epi-pen with me at all times, just in case. Again, these are minor inconveniences, and I know that to be true. But, this mommy is still upset.